Industry Specialist Loans
Industry specialist loans are one of the exclusive services we offer to our customers at Pioneer Home Loans. There are several possibilities for various occupations, such as attorneys, accountants, and medical professionals. Home loan mortgage brokers at Pioneer Home Loans can guide through the process and explain you several benefits you may receive accordingly.
For example, we have specialized loan programs in Australia for medical practitioners who match particular criteria stipulated by the lenders. Some of these loans offer low interest rate loans for their business premises. For pre-approved professionals, we can lend up to 100% of the purchase price of your house to live in or as an investment, or even your practice facilities or equipment, to eligible clients with no extra security necessary.
Lenders’ mortgage insurance may be waived for certain loan requests. We also have a professional mortgage broker specialist on staff to support industry specialists. Their broad understanding and awareness of these areas translates into better service and faster response times. Our team will take the burden of the tedious task of documentation. Also, our experts will explain the financial jargons, and conditions that applies to you and your occupation.
For more information on this kind of loans and lending services contact us today.